Monday, March 31, 2014

A Visit to Mary XXX

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The Divine Master establishes Mary as mistress of the abode she purifies.  O, Mary, reign over us forever, you and your divine Son.

Mother Most Lovable

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Mother Most Lovable

The Faithful Friend

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My Beloved is mine, and I am His.  
(Canticles 2:16)

The Throne of Love

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I found him whom my soul loveth:  I held him, and would not let him go. (Canticles 3:4)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Furnace

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Victim immolated for us, let us burn with unceasing love for you.

The Sacrament of Rest

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That our heart, close to God, may be purified more and more until the day we are granted eternal repose.

Could "repose" be depicted any more beautifully than by this image of the love between Creator and creature?

The Blessed Prison

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In the blessed Prison of sanctuary is your best friend!  
Ask of Him the bread of Eternal Life.

Sacrament of Love

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It is by the virtue of my blood, that the heart is purified and absolved.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Good Shepherd

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They listened to their Good Angel, and their Angel has led them to their Divine Pastor.

Joys of Perseverance

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Jesus feeds them with his hand and of his virtues he perfumes them.

Fervent Communions

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The Vine of God's own Heart Desires and implores The Son.  It expects everything from Him. . . Nothing has meaning without Him. . . It seeks Him only.

Morning and Evening Prayer

Dispose our Hearts to the action of Grace.